Fusing Rock & Heavy Metal Music with Edgy High Fashion and Dark Arts

ROCTOBER Vendor Interest

Vendor Booth on ROOFTOP STAGE AREA at Madison Theater in Covington, KY on OCTOBER 19th, 2024 from 3pm to 8pm - 8 ft Table + Canopy - Vendor Fee: $35 OR 20% of all sales commission fee
If choosing to pay the $35 Vendor Fee then Vendor keeps 100% of sales on October 19th, 2024 and can accept ANY form of payment during show.
If choosing Commission Fee MUST only accept cash purchases the night of show in order to pay vendor commission fee as it must be paid to Venom Magazine and the Venue the night of the show.
Load in time: 2pm, Doors Open to public: 3pm LOAD IN WILL NOT BE PERMITTED ANY OTHER TIMES
Upon selection, payment invoice will be sent to Vendor by Venom Magazine
Vendors approved to participate will be notified of their acceptance via email or phone.
Full payment must be received no later than October 1, 2024 if you are selected. Your reserved vendor space will only be confirmed once the payment is received.
All vendor spaces will be assigned at the discretion of Venom Magazine. All payments are non-refundable.
Tables and chairs are provided with your vendor fees. Electricity is NOT included. Extension cords of any kind are not permitted to be used on the Rooftop stage of Madison Theater.
Vendors will receive (1) Vendor Pass free ticket into Music Festival. Any additional tickets must be purchased through the Ticketing website.
No merchandise vendors will be allowed to sell any food or beverages, either alcoholic or non-alcoholic (no beer, water, soda or juices)
No merchandise vendors will be allowed to sell Venom Magazine or Roctober Music Festival merchandise or merchandise featuring any of the Artists appearing on the Festival. Any vendor found to be selling these items will be fined $500 which must be paid immediately or the Vendor Booth will be shut down. There will be no exceptions.
No tents or artificial structures will be allowed for use inside the Venue.
1. Applicant represents to the Music Festival that he/she is fully authorized to sign for and bind the undersigned vendor to this Application and Agreement. Vendor agrees that vendor and all persons associated with it shall comply with all rules, policies and procedures prescribed by the Venom Magazine, as it deems necessary for the efficient, safe, and tasteful (i.e., non-offensive) conduct of the event and related activities.
2. You must agree to not sell any items related to, or a representation of Venom Magazine or Roctober Music Festival, or any of the affiliated Bands associated with the Festival. Failure to do so will result in violation of agreement and at the sole discretion of Venom Magazine a fine may be imposed or termination of contract and removal of vendor without reimbursement of any payments made to Venom Magazine.
3. You must agree to each and all clauses set forth in this agreement. Failure to abide by any clauses set forth in this agreement gives the Venom Magazine the right to (1) immediately terminate this agreement (2) require that immediate notice be given of violation of this agreement, to cease operations and vacate the premises, and (3) forfeit all fees paid to Venom Magazine for the right and privilege of participating in the event.
4. You shall not display, offer for view or sell any illegal or contraband items. The laws of the State of Kentucky and local ordinances of the City of Covington shall control.
5. You acknowledge that you’ve read this agreement and agree to follow all rules and guidelines as directed. This Agreement is subject to you satisfactorily submitting all requested application materials, and full payment of all designated fees. It is the responsibility of the company/organization to be aware of these Rules and Guidelines as well as all applicable governing laws. It shall be your duty to
ensure that all employees and agents are knowledgeable of and abide by all Rules and Guidelines and applicable governing laws.
6. Your company/organization shall assume full responsibility for the conduct of its employees, subcontractors, suppliers, or any other person associated with company/organization and shall indemnify and hold harmless Venom Magazine, its agents, officers and employees from and against all claims, liabilities, suits, damages, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ costs and fees, related to breach of this Agreement
7. All Vendors are independent contractors and nothing in this Vendor agreement should be construed as forming a partnership of any kind with the Venom Magazine.